(This is from an original episodic novel where new episodes/chapters will be uploaded EVERY Monday!)
Samus Solis is Hollywood's best kept weapon. He is the owner of 'Publicity!'- a Hollywood Crisis Management firm. As a Hollywood Crisis Manager, he is the one A-List, B-List, C-List and D-List celebrities go to when they need help repairing their reputation from a career destroying scandal.
Armed with his quick wits, sharp tongue, snarkiness, combat boots (don't ask) and with the help of his mysterious assistant Tony Monroe; Samus will do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means a little blood has to be spilled.
While he works around the clock to make sure his clients' scandals are buried, he must also work harder to ensure his own secrets stay buried! All while he deals with a divorce from his cheating husband and the inevitable...turning the big 3-0!...Assuming he survives.