Discover the enchanting world of Hyrule in our comprehensive exploration of The Legend of Zelda franchise, celebrating its nearly 40-year legacy. From the groundbreaking storytelling that transformed gaming to the exciting new developments like Echoes of Wisdom and a live-action film, there's something for every fan. Join us as we dive into character insights, fan casting, and behind-the-scenes trivia that showcase why Zelda remains a timeless favorite in pop culture.
WELCOME TO HYRULE • We’re celebrating The Legend of Zelda and exploring what’s next for the hit franchise.
HOW THE LEGEND OF ZELDA CHANGED GAMING FOREVER • The epic fantasy released almost 40 years ago offered gamers an immersive story that stretched across hundreds of screens, leaving other titles in the dust.
THE MAN BEHIND IT ALL • Shigeru Miyamoto drew on childhood memories to create The Legend of Zelda.
ZELDA FINALLY GETS HER OWN GAME • It’s taken almost four decades, but the princess is the star of the show in Echoes of Wisdom.
EVERYTHING TO KNOW ABOUT THE LIVE-ACTION FILM • Director Wes Ball, a self-confessed Zelda fan, has ambitious plansto bring the franchise to the big screen.
FANCASTING THE MOVIE • We have some suggestions for who we’d like to see playing Link, Zelda and Ganondorf in the upcoming flick.
LOOKING BACK AT THE FIRST GAME • There are several reasons why The Legend of Zelda remains one of the best video games ever, nearly four decades after its release.
GET TO KNOW LINK • Theres an important reason why Zeldas designers gave their protagonist that name.
GANONDORF THE BIG BAD • Zelda’s main antagonist is a scheming ruler who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. And what he wants is to rule the world.
WAS ZELDA II REALLY THAT BAD? • The sequel to the Legend of Zelda is almost universally hated by gamers, but is it worth another look?
RATING THE GAMES • Matthew Kaplowitz looks back at 16 Zelda titles—which range from “meh” to magnificent—and scores them from 1 to 5.
THE BEST & WORST OF THE SPINOFFS • Find out which games to seek out and those you should definitely skip.
Link’s Crossovers
ZELDA GETS ANIMATED • Link, Zelda, Ganon and some well-known bosses turned up in a short-lived cartoon in 1989.
NO CONTROLLER NEEDED • The legendary stories of Hyrule have been adapted in books, manga and board games.
KEY CHARACTERS • Sure, you know Link, Ganondorf and Zelda, but in these games, it’s also important to be able to recognize an ally.
TOOLS OF THE TRADE • You won’t get far in your quest without these handy items and helpful strangers.
EXPLORING HYRULE • From castles to a dark and dangerous wilderness, this mythical place has it all.
ZELDA IN POP CULTURE • The princess, Link and the game itself have popped up in cartoons and sitcoms.
CELEBRITY FANS • The Zelda series of games has sold millions of copies around the world. These Hollywood stars are among the most avid
ZELDA TRIVIA • 20 things you probably didn’t know about the hit gaming franchise.
BY THE NUMBERS • We’ve gathered up some impressive facts and figures about The Legend of Zelda.
The Legend of Zelda - The Unofficial Fan Guide