I am a Power.
Betrayer. Traitor. Murderer. Also names that have been bestowed upon me.
Prisoner, however, is what I am.
I have been accused of killing my kind for fun and their blood. I am their worst nightmare. They fear me. Rightfully so, for I am the fiercest warrior we have, yet, I am not fighting them. They will judge me.
My sanity is maintained by a connection with one I have never laid eyes on before in my life. If things were different, I would go to him.
When new information comes to light, I am released and banished from all that I have known. Now I am without a home and I head to the one who never judged me and knows me almost as I know myself.
It's never that easy.
He's threatened. And they will pay. Their cries for mercy fall on deaf ears. They will finally learn the true might of this Power. For this man, I will burn the world to the ground.
I am...