It's really rude to wish you'd been kidnapped. Especially when your best friend actually was. But Tripp wishes something would happen to him. He likes his sex kinky, and he likes his kink on the fun side of risky. Which means he's got his eye on Sebastian Gage, the incredibly handsome, incredibly rich, incredibly dangerous Dom.
Sebastian makes subs cry, and he's not sorry about it. He is sorry that his bent toward emotional sadism means none of his playmates ever stick around, but he's not going to let any of his new-found friends know that. All they know is that he's a cruel Dom and a brilliant attorney. And now it's time to concentrate on the brilliant attorney part instead of getting sidetracked by a gangly young sub with a smart mouth and a penchant for danger.
Sebastian will do anything to make sure the perp who's been targeting vulnerable subs deserves everything the law can throw at him. Maybe even sacrifice Tripp, the only sub who can take everything Sebastian has to offer. The only sub who's ever stuck around.